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Research Support- Manage References with Endnote X9

Edit a citation inserted in word

Once you have inserted a citation, you should not edit it directly.
If you make any changes within the brackets of a citation it will disappear when the bibliography re-formats.
You must use ‘Edit & Manage Citation(s)’: 

  1. Click on the citation you wish to change.
  2. Select the Edit & Manage Citation(s) command from the Toolbar (or right-click the mouse). You will now see a dialogue box allowing you to format the citation.

To omit an author’s name from a citation:

If using Harvard style and you wish to use the author's name as part of the text, you will want to exclude the author's name from the EndNote citation.
To do this:

  • Highlight the option to *Display as: Author (Year) and then click on the OK button
  • Another  feature  is to select the citation to Show Only in Bibliography. Previously you would
    need to select Exclude author and Exclude year.

To add a page number:

  • If the bibliographic style you are using is set up to display Cited Pages, then you enter the page numbers next to the box labelled Pages: 
    e.g. 25 (no punctuation necessary).
  • If the style is not set up to show Cited Pages, then you add page numbers in the Suffix: field, including punctuation,
    e.g.  , p.25 (a space before the comma is necessary).

Correcting in-text citation mistakes

If you notice an error in an author's name (e.g. a spelling error) in your Word in-text citations, DO NOT correct it directly in the document - this can disrupt the coding and corrupt your document.

Instead, do the following:

  1. Return to your EndNote library
  2. Locate the problem reference and double click to open it
  3. Edit the reference as needed
  4. Close and save the reference
  5. In your Word document, click Update Citations and Bibliography. This will automatically insert your corrections into your document.

watch the video on Edit and Manage Citations