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Resources for Nursing: Health and Research

This guide will lead you to resources that help your study and research in the field of Nursing and Midwifery. There are also a range of learning tools that will allow you to develop your research and study skills.

Why it is important for you to acquire research skills?

1.  By learning some basic skills, you will be able to find the best resources for your research.

2.  By doing research more efficiently and with more confidence, you will be saving time, as well as reducing anxiety and frustration.

3. These skills can be applied whenever you need to do research, whether here at the University, in later education, or to fulfill your professional or personal information needs.

Rules of Thumb in Doing Research

  • Begin your research with general information sources and move to more specific ones as you learn more about your topic.
  • Use book sources (reference works and monographs) before you use periodical literature.
  • Use library resources (books and articles) before you go to the Web.

Start with a topic

Brainstorm a Topic that Interests You:

–Think of topics for which you have:
–  personal interest,
–  knowledge or life experience
–  an opinion
–  a desire to learn more.
 If no topic seems interesting:
– take 5 minutes and write down any ideas related to the assignment that come to mind, then look at what you wrote for a pattern or an idea that stands out.
– review your course textbook(s) and class notes for something interesting.

Read general background information

• Read an encyclopedia article on the two or three topics you are considering. Reading a broad summary enables you to get an overview of the topic and see how your idea relates to broader, narrower and related issues. It also provides a great source for finding words commonly used to describe the topic.

• Use article databases to scan current magazine, journal or newspaper articles on the topic.    

• Use Web search engines to find Web sites on the topic.

Search Google

Google Web Search

Start your Research

Research is inquiry. Research is scholarly conversation. Research is exploration. Rresearch is a process

Learning how to find and use credible and accurate information is a skill that you will use over and over in many different classes.

The Research Process

The Information Timeline

Resources for background information

Locate Books

Locate Books/EBooks/Multimedia

Search LRC Catalogue


    Discovery Search

    EBSCO Discovery Service

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