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EndNote 21 for Windows

Adding References from Databases

To import individual references to EndNote

Find your required book or article using our Primo search platform

Open your book or article by clicking on its title

Under send click EXPORT RIS-ENDNOTE and Click Download

The file will appear on the top right-hand side of your screen

Click on the downloaded file and it will automatically open up in your EndNote Library

To import individual references to EndNote

  • Find CINAHL on the A-Z Resources and connect to the database
  • Enter a search (e.g. Asthma Patients) to find articles 

  • When the results are listed, check the box in front of the papers that you want. (Right-hand side of the paper)

  • Then add another citation by clicking on the box

  • Then click on the folder at the top, where all the references are added.

  • Click on Export 
  • Click EndNote Desktop

  • Check the correct amount of results is selected
  • Click Export

  • The file will appear on the top right-hand side of your screen
  • Click on the downloaded file and it will automatically open up in your EndNote Library

To import individual references to EndNote

  • Find PubMed on the A-Z Resources and connect to the database
  • Enter a search (e.g. Asthma) to find articles 

  • When the results are listed, check the box beside the papers that you want. (left-hand side of the paper)
  • Click Save (above the search results)
  • Click Citation Manager 
  • Click Create file

  • The file will appear on the top right-hand side of your screen
  • Click on the downloaded file and it will automatically open up in your EndNote Library

To import individual references to EndNote

  • Find Scopus on the A-Z Resources and connect to the database
  • Enter a search (e.g. Asthma Control) to find articles 

  • When the results are listed, check the box beside the papers that you want. (left-hand side of the paper) and Click on Export 

  • Ensure that RIS Format has been selected, Click Export

  • Click Download
  • The file will appear on the top right-hand side of your screen

  • Click on the downloaded file and it will automatically open up in your EndNote Library

To import individual references to EndNote

  • Find Web of Science on the A-Z Resources and connect to the database
  • Enter a search (e.g. Asthma Patients) to find articles 

  • When the results are listed, check the box beside the papers that you want. (left-hand side of the paper) and Click on Export

  • Click EndNote Desktop
  • Check the correct amount of results is selected

  • Click Export
  • The file will appear on the top right-hand side of your screen
  • Click on the downloaded file and it will automatically open up in your EndNote Library

To import all references to EndNote (you can only import 5,000 at a time)

  • Find Web of Science on the A-Z Resources and connect to the database
  • Enter a search (e.g. Asthma patients) to find articles 
  • When the results are listed, check the box beside the papers that you want. (left-hand side of the paper)
  • Click on Export 
  • Click Fast 5k

  • You will need to sign in to your Web of Science account (or register for an account)

  • Change the File Format
  • Click Export

  • The file will appear on the top right-hand side of your screen
  • Click on the downloaded file and it will automatically open up in your EndNote Library

To import individual references to EndNote

  • Find Cochrane on the A-Z Resources and connect to the database
  • Enter a search (e.g. Asthma Patients) to find articles 
  • When the results are listed, check the box beside the papers that you want. (left-hand side of the paper)

  • Click on Export 
  • Click EndNote Desktop
  • Check the correct amount of results is selected
  • Click Export

  • The file will appear on the top right-hand side of your screen

  • Click on the downloaded file and it will automatically open up in your EndNote Library

To import individual references to EndNote

  • Find ScienceDirect on the A-Z Resources and connect to the database
  • Enter a search (e.g. Asthma) to find articles 

  • When the results are listed, check the box beside the papers that you want. (left-hand side of the paper)

  • Click on Export, and ensure that Export citation to RIS Format has been selected.

  • Click on the downloaded file and it will automatically open up in your EndNote Library

To import individual references to EndNote

  • Find AccessMedicine on the A-Z Resources and connect to the database
  • Enter a search (e.g. Asthma) to find references you want to add (e.g., a book, chapter, or article).

  • Then select the chapter you want to add a reference to your EndNote Library

  • Click on Get Citation and select the EndNote.

  • Click on the downloaded file and it will automatically open up in your EndNote Library

To import individual references to EndNote

  • Find ProQuest on the A-Z Resources and connect to the database
  • Enter a search (e.g. Allergy) to find articles 

  • Check the box for each of the references to be exported to EndNote. (More than one article can be selected at a time) Click on “All Save and Export options” and choose “EndNote, Reference Manager.

  • Now select Output and citation style and continue.
  • Click on the downloaded file and it will automatically open up in your EndNote Library

To import individual references to EndNote

  • Find ClinicalKey on the A-Z Resources and connect to the database
  • Enter a search (e.g. Allergy) to find articles 

  • Then select the chapter you want to add a reference to your EndNote Library

  • Click on Cite and select the RIS format for Export.

  • Then the references will automatically open up in your EndNote Library.

To import individual references to EndNote

  • Find eBook Central on the A-Z Resources and connect to the database
  • Enter a search (e.g. Allergy) to find articles 

  • Click the button Cite Book on the left.

  • In the pop-up. Under Export Citation, click EndNote/Citavi. If prompted, save the file
  • Then the references will automatically open up in your EndNote Library.

Adding References from Google Scholar

  • Open Google Scholar and enter a search (e.g. the Asthma Control)
  • On the left side of your screen, click the three horizontal bars next to the Google Scholar logo. Then click Settings.

  • Scroll down to the Bibliography manager section. Select the Show links to import citations into radio button. Choose EndNote from the dropdown menu. Click Save. You will not need to perform this step on subsequent visits to Google Scholar.


  • Search Google Scholar. Click the Import into EndNote link under the citation you wish to import to your EndNote library. The citation will download as a .enw file.

Exporting Multiple Citations

Note: You cannot download more than 20 citations at a time in Google Scholar. If you anticipate downloading many citations, try using the library's databases first.

1. Click on the small star below each citation you want to export. This will add the citation to the My Library folder. 

2. When you are done adding the citations you want to export, click on My Library at the top right of your screen. 

3. Check the boxes next to all the citations you want to export or the "select all" box at the top. Then click the Download icon and select EndNote from the drop-down menu. This will download a .enw file containing your citations. 

3. Import the .ENW file to EndNote using either Method #1 or Method #2

  • Right-click on the file to Open With Endnote21 
  • To import a .ENW file within your EndNote Library, select File > Import > and choose EndNote Import in the Import Options

Creating a Manual Reference

Records are entered manually when they are unavailable from databases.

To enter a record: 

1. Select the New Reference icon.

2. Select an appropriate reference type. The reference type determines the fields available for data entry.

3. Enter information in the fields required for your referencing style. Fields not required can be left blank.

4. Select save and close the new reference window.

5. Preview the record by selecting the appropriate style and clicking the Up arrow (circled in red). Ensure you are in the Summary for this reference, instead of Edit.

EndNote reference management software, Clarivate Analytics, Version 21, 2023 

Adding References from Clinical Summaries

To add references from a Clinical Summary (DynaMed or UpToDate) you will have to enter the references manually.

To do this:

  • Select New Reference from the References menu
  • The reference default type is set to Electronic Book Section.
  • Type the details into the relevant fields 
    • enter the title (UpToDate), [updated date, cited date] in the same field, as in the example
  • Command + S or File and Save will save the reference
  • Close the reference
  • Check the preview to ensure it is displaying correctly and adjust as necessary

Importing PDFs into an EndNote Library

To convert a PDF file into EndNote

This feature allows you to convert a PDF file into EndNote with minimal typing and copying by extracting Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) from PDF files. The system matches DOI information with the data available.

To import a PDF file:

1.     Open the library into which you want to import the reference.

2.     From the File menu, select Import > File to open the Import File dialog.

3.     Click the Choose button to locate and open the file you want to import from your hard drive.

4.     Select the needed PDF file, and then click Open.

5.     Select PDF from the Options list.

6.     Select an option from the Duplicates list.

Import All: Imports all, including duplicates.

Note: The reference is generated once the PDF is imported, and if we re-import the same PDF, it won't create a new reference; instead, the PDF will be linked to the existing reference, as shown in the screenshot.

Discard Duplicates: Imports all, except duplicates.

Import into Duplicates Library: Duplicate references are imported into a library called File-Dupl.enl, where ”File" is the name of the library into which you are importing (Only applicable when references are imported, not PDFs)

By default, a reference is considered a duplicate when the Author, Year, Title, and Reference Type match a reference already in the library.

7.     Select a Text Translation option. The default value is No Translation.

8.     Click Import to import the file to your library.

When the import is complete, the new record is stored in the Imported References group. It will include bibliographic information given for the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) mined from the PDF file such as title, author, volume, issue, page, year, and DOI.

To import PDFs automatically

It is possible to set EndNote™ to import PDFs automatically. Please follow the steps below to enable this:

1. Open EndNote
2. Click on the Edit icon > Preferences; Windows: Edit > Preferences

3. Navigate to the section PDF Handling and select the "Enable automatic importing" check box to enable automatic importing of your PDFs. 
4. Select the folder from where you want EndNote to import your PDFs into your library. Download or copy your PDF files to this folder for automatic importing and renaming. 

After EndNote runs the import operation, EndNote creates a subfolder called Import within the Auto Import Folder. EndNote also saves a copy of each PDF to this folder. Please note that EndNote does not import PDFs from subfolders within the Auto Import Folder. 

Whenever you add a new PDF to the folder set to auto-import, EndNote will start importing it to the library.