EndNote can locate the full text PDF article for some of the references you have added to your library.
EndNote uses several methods to search for full text publications, including a DOI and Web of Science Core Collection full text links. To optimise results ensure your EndNote preferences are set to Find Full Text .
To find the full text:
1. Select the corresponding records in your EndNote library.
2. Click the Find full text icon.
3. EndNote searches for the full text. When finished it displays summary of PDFs found. A paperclip icon appears in the file attachments field for the corresponding references.
To attach files stored locally to a reference, click on the paperclip icon next to the reference (shown when the preview / PDF panel is turned on), locate the file and attach it.
Note that only PDF attachments will appear in the preview / reference panel. Word, Excel or other attachments can be accessed by double-clicking into the reference and navigating to the attachments field.
If you are using EndNote Online in addition to EndNote desktop, any PDF or other documents that you add to a reference will be synchronised to your online account so that you can access them from anywhere.
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