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Coronavirus - COVID-19 Information Resources

Search strategy

  • Search for your keywords in All Fields.  Use "inverted commas" to find an exact phrase eg: "coronavirus pneumonia" will find the two words beside eachother.  Combine different synonyms with OR to find articles that mention one or other of the words/phrases. 
  • Search for Subject Headings that are provided in some databases: MeSH in PubMed; Subject Headings are added to article abstracts to indicate the main topic of the paper. Recent articles in press may not yet have Subject Headings. Ensure your search is comprehensive by searching for all relevant keywords as well as subject headings.
  • Combine searches of similar meaning with OR.   Combine different topics with AND eg: coronavirus AND pneumonia will find both words anywhere in different sentences.
  • Use Filters if appropriate: do not filter to Human if you think recent animal research may be useful.  Do not limit your results to full text in any database as this will exclude relevant articles from your results set.  Recent articles in press may only provide an abstract if full text is not yet available.  Do not limit to English language if you would like to include other languages in your result set - most articles will have an abstract translated to English but if the original article was in another language then an English language filter will exclude it from your results.
  • Sort your results by most recent.


If you are searching the internet to find reports that are not published in medical journals, it is recommended that you use phrase searches to find more relevant results, for example: 

coronavirus OR "coronavirus pneumonia" OR “COVID-19” OR “2019 novel coronavirus infection” OR “2019-nCoV” 


Searching PubMed

When you do a keyword [All Field] search in PubMed, the results automatically include a subject heading [MeSH] search. 

Search strategy to copy and paste into PubMed to search for coronavirus articles:

("coronavirus"[MeSH Terms] OR "coronavirus"[All Fields])

Sort your results by most recent.

Add a 5 year date limit if required. 

To combine this search with another topic: do a new search for your second topic and then click on Advanced Search to view your search history. 

Click on the Details arrow and Add each topic to the search builder, combine them with AND, and click on Search.

Searching Scopus

Open Scopus from the A-Z LibGuides page and click on the Advanced tab.  Copy and paste the following search string and click on Search:

TITLE-ABS-KEY(coronavirus OR "Middle East respiratory syndrome" OR "Severe acute respiratory syndrome" OR "Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus" OR "Feline infectious peritonitis virus" OR "Murine hepatitis virus" OR "Avian infectious bronchitis virus") AND RECENT(60)

Searching Cochrane

Search for coronavirus in the Title Abstract Keyword fields and click on the Clinical Trials tab to view registered trials if there are no relevant systematic reviews published yet.