The author impact factor calculates the scientific status or value of an author. The h-index helps to quantify the publications and the impact of those publications of a particular author. The h-index stands for highly cited index. This term was developed by Professor Hirsch in 2005. The larger the number of important papers, the higher the h-index, regardless of where the work was published.
The h-index can therefore be regarded as a measure of the number of publications published ( productivity) as well as how often they are cited (impact).
How to find h-index?
1. Go to Learning Resource Centre web page.
2. Select Citation Databases.
3. This will take you to page where you must add your VLE username and password.
4. When Web of Science opens up then add Author name in the author search box.
eg: Harvey B
5. Click search.
6. It will bring up a number of searches but look at the top right hand side and find 'Create Citation Report' link.
7. Click to create and you should see h-index for the author.