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Open Access Week 2024: Home


Open Access Week 2024


Open Access is the free and unrestricted access to information for everyone.  This can be journal articles, books, images, data, and other output types. Open Access (OA) to scholarly information and research output promotes the global sharing of information and knowledge free of financial, legal, or technical constraints. 

The  Library invites you to participate in this year’s International Open Access Week events.




Monday, October 21

15:00  - 16:00 Room 439

Finding the Right Open-Access Journal

Are you a student working on your first journal article? Attend the workshop that is aimed at helping you navigate the landscape of open-access publishing, learn how to find reputable journals, learn what journal metrics (like impact factor and H-index) mean, and learn tips on avoiding predatory journals.



Tuesday, October 22

14:00  - 16:00 - Atrium

Meet Our Authors

Students have the opportunity to learn what publishing in open access entails.


Wednesday, October 23

14:00-15:00 - Room 439

Research Without Borders- Panel Discussion

Come listen to a panel of students and staff reflecting on their recent experiences with the scientific publication process aimed at inspiring future OA authors.



Thursday, October 24


Blueprint to publishing: Showcasing OA publications

The event showcases open-access publications of students and staff.


Open Access Week is an international event held each year during the last week of October, during which universities and other stakeholders host activities to discuss changes in the scholarly communications environment, especially reducing barriers to access to research publications.

The theme for the current year and additional information can be found at .


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