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Where to Publish Your Research: Identifying Potential Journals


This guide is designed to assist  researchers in-

  • Identifying potential  journals to publish
  • Exploring tools to identify specific journals
  • Knowing the pros and cons of open access journals
  • Identifying  open access journals with author fees

Acceptance Rates

In general,  lower  journal acceptance acceptance rates are  considered more prestigious. 

Listed below are the few resources that include the acceptance rates of a journal.  Acceptance rates are sometimes provided on publisher websites as part of the instructions to authors material.   If you cannot find the acceptance rate of a journal by using the tools provided or viewing the journal's website, try contacting the editor directly.  Be aware that some journals make their acceptance rates easily available, others consider this proprietary information and do not . 

Selecting Journals- A Short Video

Think. Check. Submit. is a campaign  endorsed by many scholarly organizations worldwide to  help researchers identify trusted journals for their research. It is a simple checklist researchers can use to assess the credentials of a journal or publisher.

Which Journal to publish?

Try searching for the topic of your article in a relevant database to see where related articles in your field have been published.

In addition, you may also consider using the following databases and tools.  This list isn't exhaustive but does provide some good starting points.  

Here are some directories of journals and some publisher specific tools for locating journals-

Journal metrics

Journal metrics, such as Impact Factor, CiteScore, SJR and SNIP can help inform your decision on where to publish.The best known international indicator is the Impact Factor, which is based on the average number of citations a journal has received over a two year period. The Impact factor is available from Journal Citation Reports (JCR), produced by Clarivate Analytics. A guide to using JCR to find impact factors, quartile and percentile rankings is available here.Other journal indictors are available from Scopus

  • CiteScore: this is the closest to the Impact Factor and is based on the average number of citations a journal has received over a three year period.
  • SJR (SCImago Journal Rank): a normalised indicator. SJR is weighted by the prestige of a journal.
  • SNIP (Source Normalised Impact per Paper): a normalised indicator. SNIP measures a source's contextual citation impact by weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field.