EndNote automatically saves changes to your library, so there is no Save or Save As command for the Library. You can back up your library by using the 'Save a Copy' command to create an exact copy of your library. To create a copy of your library:
- With a library open, select 'Save a Copy' from the File menu.
- Name the new library and choose where to save it.
- Click Save
The new library is saved to the location you choose, where you can then open it with EndNote. This command creates a .ENL file as well as a DATA folder for the new library, and copies all necessary files and figures to it.
You can also create a compressed copy of a library and later restore the compressed library with EndNote. To create a compressed copy of your library:
- Open the library in EndNote.
- From the File menu, select 'Compressed Library (.enlx)' to display a Compressed Library dialog.
- Use the radio buttons to select whether you want to Create a compressed library or to Create & Email the library, save file attachments, save all or selected references, etc.
- Click 'OK' and save the compressed library to a folder on your hard drive.